v0.4.2 (UI Update)

Version: v0.4.2

- Fixed an issue where the same resolution would be listed several times due to varying refresh rate;

- Locked the game's refresh rate to the player monitor's default;

- Changed the game's reference resolution in order to make things look smoother;

- Fixed an issue with the game not properly scaling with the selected resolution;

- Improved the way the game reacts to windowed resolutions;

- Added a fallback plate for unconvetional transformations;

- Added a fallback plate for bad end areas;

- Fixed one option not working properly at the gambling den;

- Fixed a few typos


Here it is again.

Some issues were raised to me concerning the way the game acted towards certain resolutions, specially when the player was using windowed mode.  After checking the root of the problem, I went down a spiral of finding more and more bugs within the game not only regarding the resolution but also with the UI design in general. This update should fix a ton of resolution-related bugs as well as iron out the UI to work and look better. Other than that, a few unrelated bugs have been patched and a few typos fixed, and you might find that some graphics that were previously missing from the game are now working properly.

There are a lot of minor fixes here and there that I don't think are worth mentioning, but in general I think the game should be in a much more presentable state now. I took the download links down following the discovery of the major issues because I did not believe the game was up to a minimal standard in which I could have it released. Hopefully things will go a lot smoother from now on.

Thank you everyone who have brought the many bugs and typos to my attention in the past few months. Your feedback has been truly invaluable and you have all allowed not only the game to grow but also me as a developer. Despite these small hurdles, bringing the game's issues to light is indispensable to its development. If you found any bugs or typos within the game, or just think something is lowering your enjoyment of the game in general, I request that you bring them to my attention, if possible! This sort of support is more valuable than anything else you could give at this stage.



Chimera Game v0.4.2 x64.7z 18 MB
Jan 30, 2023
Chimera Game v0.4.2 x86.7z 16 MB
Jan 30, 2023

Get Chimera


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So we no longer get a perma-end if we don't properly save before getting transformed?

(1 edit) (+2)

Every character has a main save with their name on it on top of the auto-save. I'd recommend saving the game manually from time to time but if losing progress thanks to the auto-save is a problem people are having maybe I'll create a separate auto-save for bad ends.

Quick edit: the game now has a separate auto-save for bad ends.